"Talk is cheap, show me the code" ~ Linus Torvalds 

Paiva Payment Management System
Featured Project

Paiva Payment Management System

A web payments management system for a grabage collection company based in Kiambu that tracks customer payments made through M-pesa. Was built with Angular Material, Django REST API and PostgreSql

Frontend: Wavvy Wallet
Featured Project

Frontend: Wavvy Wallet

The frontend of an expense tracker application that uses Mpesa messages data to provide users with a more meaningful breakdown of their expenditure habits. The frontend was built with Flutter and integrated with a Django REST API

Longterm Climate Forecasting Prediction
Featured Project

Longterm Climate Forecasting Prediction

My team's submission for the 2023's datathon, organized by the WiDS Worldwide team at Stanford University, Harvard University IACS, Arthur, and the WiDS Datathon Committee, that focused on longer-term weather forecasting to help communities adapt to extreme weather events caused by climate change.